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VIEWFest | 2008 | Italia | Torino | Festival Internazionale di Cinema Digitale | Tour
VIEWFest | 2008
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VIEWFest – Festival del cinema digitale – si conclude oggi, domenica 8 giugno, con un bilancio straordinariamente positivo. I dati provvisori segnalavano sabato 7 giugno, un aumento di spettatori del 60 per cento rispetto all'ultima edizione di Resfest del 2006.
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  ITALIANMIX | Parco dell'astronomia e dello spazio, via dell'Osservatorio, 30, Pino Torinese (TO)
NANoART, THE EXIBITION | From May the 23rd to June the 15th
Inauguration: May the 23rd h. 06.30 pm

Alessandro Scali's speaking with: Maurizio Ferraris, Philosopher; Gianluca Nicoletti, Writer and Journalist; Fabrizio Pirri, Professor and Nanotecnologies' expert; Rosanna Guida, Artist and Professor; Stefano Raimondi, Art Critic and Curator.
As location for these events has been chosen the charming background of the Turin's Planetarium: an enchanted excursion between space and time, between invisible art objects and rising galaxies.

When a camel passes through the eye of a needle...

is going over a border, a limit, a need: the one that could be perceived by the human eye. acts with an aesthetic paradox, the one that can express ideas, concepts, and invisible, but not unreal, artworks.

It's possible to see an artwork not with your eyes but with a microscope? How you can realize an handiwork when your hands are too wide, that is when scale is Nanmetric? The nanotechnologies, the ones that we can use to assemble and manipulate the material with a Nanmetric scale, (1 nanometer = one billionth of meter), will be the protagonists of the big Technological Revolution for the 21rst century. The Italian Alessandro Scali and the South African Robin Goode bring it to art, and they create a new artistic issue challenging the perception barriers. This vanguard catches the whole wide world attention, appearing on the famous journal Nature, on scientific and philosophical blogs, in different expositions and international artistic foundations.

Thereby thanks to VIEWFest, that will offer to everyone this exposition, created and conceived by Stefano Raimondi and realized with Materials and Microsystems Laboratory (CHILAB-LATEMAR) of Polytechnic of Turin.

Seven nanmetric works will be presented at the exposition; above them 2 will be completely inedited and realized on purpose. These works are not only simple photographic reproductions, but real and original creations that the VIEWFest's public will be able to perceive directly, interacting with them through microscopes.

The frame for these works will be some video projections, first above all the making of a work realization. Another video will join the invisibility created by the nanmetric's works' ephemeral dimension: this video, entitled Iperuranio, is realized by Carlo Turri. Iperuranio tries to investigate and to put together the fractal geometry with the natural world. The whole work will carry on with the other nanometer scale's extreme, the one of the microscope: we can see the process of creation that brings to the origination of galaxies, thanks to a short film realized by the Tokyo's astronomic observatory within the Four-Dimensional Digital Universe Project, and granted by SIGGRAPH 2007, thanks to the digital techniques. Finally will be presented the projection of the famous Power of Ten, the relation between perceptibility and nanmetric scale crowning achievement.

  |  June the 7th h. 06 pm
There are lots of questions and remarks about Nanoart: from the relations between art / science / technology, to the relation between art object and perception, up to the art objects study (when, for example, we can say that an object is a real artwork?). WIEVFest decides to dedicate to these issues a meeting-debating, that will schedule the participation of the artist Alessandro Scali, of the creator of the exposition Stefano Raimondi, of the philosophy Maurizio Ferraris, of the journalist and writer Gianluca Nicoletti, Fabrizio Pirri, Professor of Physics at Polytechnic of Turin, of Rosanna Guida, Theory of Perception and Psychology of the shape at the Albertina Academy of Turin.

Piero Bianucci è Presidente del Planetario di Pino Torinese, redattore capo de La Stampa e cura il dorso «Tuttoscienze» dal 1981. Scrive regolarmente di scienza sul settimanale Specchio. Presidente del comitato scientifico della mostra Experimenta e socio fondatore di CentroScienza, associazione che promuove a Torino il ciclo annuale di conferenze Giovediscienza. È inoltre direttore del Master di Comunicazione Scientifica "Il rasoio di Occam", consigliere di indirizzo della Fiera internazionale del libro, docente del corso "Scrivere il giornale" curato dal Premio Grinzane Cavour e giurato del premio "Scrivere la scienza". Organizza numerose mostre scientifiche e collabora con enti e associazioni di educazione scientifica.
Per la sua attività divulgativa riceve tra gli altri i premi Saint Vincent, Scanno, Ises, Targa Giuseppe Piazzi, il Premio FORMIT per la divulgazione e il Cisco Web Award. È infine autore di una trentina di libri, prevalentemente di divulgazione scientifica, molti dei quali tradotti in francese e in spagnolo.

Rosanna Guida is Professor of Perception and Psychology of the Shape at Albertina Academy of Turin. She graduated in Informatics Engineering at Polytechnic of Milan and she graduated also in Painting at the School of Fine Arts of Brera. She has worked for years collaborating with Polytechnic of Milan, at first at the Computergraphics Centre, where she realised three-dimensional animations applied to the Design and Architecture, and than she worked at METID Centre (Innovative Methods and Technologies for the Didactics): here she worked on multimedia design, on digital videos production, on the coordination and development for distance learning.
She leaded also some courses at Polytechnic of Milan, and at IULM (University Institute for Moderns Languages), as a teacher and as an artist.
She took part with her videos to different International Exhibitions where she won lots of distinctions. In 1995 she founded the Syncretism Group and, through it, she produced and realized different multimedia shows, among which Ancora un Incendiario, Memorie dell'Immediato, Spot City, acted in different Italian Theatres.

Maurizio Ferraris ( is full professor in Theoretical Philosophy, University of Turin. He's leading the Interuniversity Centre for Theoretical and Applied Ontology (CTAO). As Visiting professor in the main European and American Universities, as collaborator of Sole 24 Ore, as director of Rivista di Estetica, he wrote more than 30 books, about Hermeneutics, Aesthetics, and Ontology, among which Storia dell'ermeneutica (Bompiani 1988), Estetica razionale (Cortina 1997), A Taste for the Secret (with Jacques Derrida, Blackwell 2001), Il mondo esterno (Bompiani 2001), and Dove sei? Ontologia del telefonino (Bompiani 2005), he was also the winner of the Philosophic Award Castiglioncello. Among his works, the most recencent are Jackie Derrida. Ritratto a memoria (Bollati Boringhieri 2006), Babbo Natale, Gesù Adulto. In cosa crede chi crede? (Bompiani 2006), Sans Papier. Ontologia dell'attualità (Castelvecchi 2007), La fidanzata automatica (Bompiani, 2007), and Il tunnel delle multe. Ontologia degli oggetti quotidiani (Einaudi 2008).

Gianluca Nicoletti since 1983 has collaborated with Rai and from 1993 to 2004 he spoke every day within the program Golem the "television and her idols miseries". In 1993 Golem arrived on internet as first experiment of the communication between radio, tv and internet. The broadcast won lots of awards. From 1999 to 2004 Nicoletti was the Rai Net press director, he took care of the start-up Rai intentet portal, he founded and directed the heading on line Rainet news, he directed the realization of Rai Click, the television broadband. Since January 2005 has been columnist for the newspaper La Stampa. He is also author and radio-conductor for the transmission Melog for Radio24. He got in Second Life with bitser Scarfiotti avatar, playing continuously between radio (Melog) and virtual world (bister Scarfiotti show). Now Nicoletti is experimenting a new interaction between radio and the social network Facebook, where he created the initiative "L'impresa dei MILLE".
Among his publications: Ectoplasmi: il potere medianico della televisione (Baskerville 1994), Amen (Mondadori 1999); Golem. Idoli e televisioni (Rai Eri, 1999), Le vostre miserie, il mio splendore (Mondadori, 2007).

Fabrizio Pirri is professor in Physics at Polytechnic of Turin. He experienced in the field of Physics of materials and in micro and Nan sciences applied. He graduated in Engineering in 1987. He took the Physics PhD, and then he became professor at Polytechnic of Turin where he leads the course of Physics of materials and Physics applied to technological processes. He is also in charge of the International Graduate Studies on Nanotechnologies and he is the coordinator for all the activities concerning materials, processes and technologies in the Material and Microsystems Laboratory ( Since 2005 he has been coordinator for MIUR's National Excellence Laboratory about Electrobiochimical and Minimized Technologies for Analysis and Research (LATEMAR,
He wrote more than 150 articles and reports about Physics and Technology of materials for different journals and for International Congresses.

Stefano Raimondi is a contemporary art critic. He born in Bergamo in 1981; he graduated in Communication Sciences and Technologies; he's graduating in Arts History and Critics. He has focused all his activities on the relationship between art and science and he created the first Critical Exposition on Nanoart, where he showed all the different implications between nanotechnology and arts. He lived for a while at New York, London and New Delhi, where he was in touch with many famous contemporary artists. He wrote Nanoart: seeing the invisible, Skira edition, and different critical essays on contemporary artists. He is also a reviewer for Flash Art, the first art journal in Europe; he created the blog Nanoart: Whispers and Screams from the nanospace ( Since 2008 he has been co-promoter for the Arts Fair of Bergamo (BAF), and also for the Arts Fair of Como.
He realized also: Alexander Calder. Variazioni fra gli eventi della vita (2006), La città che sale (2006) and he was assistant for the organization of the Oltre la ragione: le figure i maestri, le storie dell'arte irregolare (2007), created by Bianca Tosatti and realized in Bergamo and Monte Carlo.

Alessandro Scali, 35 year-old, from Turin. He began his artistic career on 2003 with Robin Goode, 29 year-old, from Cape Town. With Goode he took part to the Madrid's Exibition in 2004, and in the same year, and with his new "colleague", he started the "experience of Nanoart": therefore he created his first work Oltre le colonne d'Ercole – in 2006.
He founded kut communications (, a communication agency based in Turin and London.
  Corso Marconi, 38 10125 Turin – Italy  tel. +39 011 66 80 948  tel. +39 011 5695155  fax. +39 011 6501214

VIEWFest digital movie festival